Block Greek ads with Internet Explorer 9+
Greek Adblock Plus filter list has more than 3500 regular unique (as per IP) subscribers daily. The majority of them uses some Mozilla-based browser (Firefox/Iceweasel). An increasing number of users has started using Chrome along with the Chrome Adblock Extension and Opera. Thanks to Panagiotis Dimopoulos, Greek Adblock Plus filter has now been converted to a Tracking Protection List for Internet Explorer 9+.
To load the protection list visit the url: Greek Adblock Tracking Protection List for Internet Explorer 9+
For more details about using Greek Adblock Plus filter on various browsers please visit: Greek Adblock Plus Filter.
Don’t forget to send in comments and URLs to block. If you are using Firefox’s addon, please use the “Report Issue on this page…” feature of it by right clicking on the status icon of adblock.
Filed by kargig at 00:22 under Greek,Internet
Tags: adblock, adblock plus, ads, firefox, Greek, iceweasel, ie, internet explorer, mozilla, tpl, tracking protection list
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