XHTML 1.1 validation
I’ve finally managed to get the theme for my blog XHTML 1.1 validated. The first time I checked it with W3C Markup Validator it had 99 errors. Most were about some br and ul,li tags. The part that I had some difficulty into making it valid, was meebo’s chat flash code. Meebo serves this to paste in websites:
<!-- Beginning of meebo me widget code. Want to talk with visitors on your page? Go to http://www.meebome.com/ and get your widget! -->
<embed src="http://widget.meebo.com/mm.swf?EunEtULzWx" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="160" height="250"></embed>
Which is not XHTML 1.1 valid. To make it valid I transformed it to something like this:
<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash"
width="160" height="250">
<param name="movie"
value="http://widget.meebo.com/mm.swf?EunEtULzWx" />
<img src="noflash.gif"
width="160" height="250" alt="" />
according to this: Flash Satay.
You can now check the validator that my blog is OK 🙂
Filed by kargig at 12:54 under General,Internet
5 Comments | 7,364 views
Well done 🙂 Now only one thing remains to reach w3c nirvana, serve the pages as application/xhtml+xml. With this web browsers, like firefox, will treat the documents as proper xml and not as an html tag soup.
The only problem that you might have with this, is that even with one mistake in the page, firefox will not be able to render the page, but will print out an xml debug message instead.
I agree that you should serve the page as application/xhtml+xml.
The website I chose in the previous comment in wrong. This is the correct.
The only reason I chose not to use application/xhtml+xml type (as w3 validator also suggests) is that some parts of the wordpress version I use in the administration panel are not XHTML 1.1 compatible and produce errors with the browsers. I am too bored to even fix wordpress apart from the theme…so I’ll stick to text/html for a while 🙂
Thanks for your comments though.
Its good to see people are starting to use the standards. most major sites dont even attempt to meet the standards.