
Ύστερα από 2 μήνες δοκιμών και αλλαγών με την βοήθεια των agorf, cdimakop, Charmed[], Fuzz, mikeg, Rad, tasosos που είτε έκαναν beta testing είτε δάνεισαν εξοπλισμό, το νέο iloog LiveCD 7.02 είναι έτοιμο με πάρα πολλές αλλαγές σε σχέση με την παλαιότερη version 6.12.1.

Εκτός από τις καθιερωμένες ανανεώσεις πακέτων υπάρχουν πάνω από 80 καινούργια πακέτα σε σχέση με την έκδοση 6.12.1. Πολύ προσοχή δώθηκε στην καλύτερη υποστήριξη laptops με έμφαση στο power management. Πλέον o kernel υποστηρίζει ρυθμίσεις για cpu frequency και υπάρχουν μέσα utilities για την διευκόλυνση αυτών των ρυθμίσεων (cpufreq-set,κτλ). Προστέθηκαν επίσης αρκετά firmware για wireless κάρτες (Intel,broadcom,atmel,κτλ), modems (Sagem Fast 800) ώστε να μην χρειάζεται να τα κατεβάζετε από τις εταιρίες. Ο kernel υποστηρίζει πια πολύ περισσότερο hardware σε σχέση με προηγούμενες εκδόσεις.

Επίσης στο menu του fluxbox έχει προστεθέι μια μικρή περιγραφή για το κάθε πρόγραμμα, ώστε ακόμα και κάποιος που δεν ξέρει τις ονομασίες από τα προγράμματα να μπορεί να βρει αυτό που θέλει.

Για όσους διαθέτουν 16:9 οθόνες μπορούν ανοίγωντας το /etc/X11/xorg.conf να κάνουν μια μικρή αλλαγή στην 3η γραμμή και να υποστηρίζονται καλύτερα οι οθόνες τους (η αλλαγή περιγράφεται στα σχόλια της 3ης γραμμής του /etx/X11/xorg.conf). Για όσους αντιμετωπίζουν δυσκολίες με τον X server, και δεν ξέρουν πως να πειράξουν το /etc/X11/xorg.conf μπορούν να γράψουν: “” και να αλλάξει ο driver αυτόματα σε “vesa”.

Μικρές αλλαγές υπάρχουν επίσης και στο backup/restore script ( το οποίο πλέον σώζει μόνο τις αλλαγές που γίνονται στο home directory, και δεν το σώζει ολόκληρο όπως παλιά, ώστε το backup να καταλαμβάνει λιγότερο χώρο.

Περισσότερες αλλαγές περιγράφονται στο αρχείο /etc/iloog/changelog μέσα στο LiveCD

Το νέο iso μπορείτε να το κατεβάσετε από την διεύθυνση . Στην ίδια σελίδα θα βρείτε και ένα μικρότερο delta αρχείο με το οποίο μπορείτε να μεταβείτε από την παλιότερη έκδοση 6.12.1 στην τελευταία 7.02.

Screenshots υπάρχουν στη σελίδα του iloog καθώς και στο flickr:

Δοκιμάστε το και πείτε μας την γνώμη σας στο forum του Ioannina Linux User Group 🙂

Cherry Cymotion Master Linux with Fluxbox

Some tips in getting Cherry Cymotion Master Linux (german layout image) to work with fluxbox (with Gentoo of course). This keyboard’s keys have a great feeling and a great “clickety click” sound. The 20% extra surface on the keys makes typing a lot easier but you need a couple of hours to get used to them. It’s worth it though.

First of all, don’t try to use the keyman software that Cherry provides. Just DON’T. Unless you ‘ve got LOTS of patience and some skills to fix the horrible configure/make scripts that it comes with. It’s horrible to set it up and you need to patch your kernel for it to work properly. What do you lose ? Just the K-key next to your Penguin Key (bye bye Windows Key) and the combinations that you can with the K-Key. This keyboard has SO many extra keys that you won’t need it (yet).

0) Create /etc/init.d/cherry with the following contents:
start() {
ebegin "Setting up Cherry Keyboard CyMotion Master on PS/2"
# Search Eject Home An Aus Media
# Up/Right Down/left Cut Paste Copy Desktop1
# Desktop2 Desktop3 Redo Undo
#setkeycodes e065 136 e070 161 e032 172 e05f 143 e063 145 e06d 171 \
# e00b 177 e012 178 e017 137 e00a 135 e018 133 e071 148 \
# e02c 149 e072 202 e007 129 e008 131 e05b 200
setkeycodes e065 136 e070 161 e032 172 e05f 143 e063 145 e06d 171 \
e00b 177 e012 178 e017 137 e00a 135 e018 133 e071 148 \
e02c 149 e072 202 e007 129 e008 131
eend $?
stop() {
ebegin "Restoring defaults for PS/2 keyboard"
# Search Eject Home An Aus Media
# Up/Right Down/left Cut Paste Copy Desktop1
# Desktop2 Desktop3 Redo Undo
setkeycodes e065 217 e070 000 e032 150 e05f 142 e063 143 e06d 226 \
e00b 000 e012 000 e017 000 e00a 000 e018 000 e071 000 \
e02c 000 e072 000 e007 000 e008 000 e05b 125
eend $?

Make it executable: chmod +x /etc/init.d/cherry
Start it: /etc/init.d/cherry
and add it to your default runlevel: rc-update add cherry default (on gentoo)

1) Take a look at your /usr/share/X11/XKeysymDB. This file includes all the available keyboard mappings you can have.

2) Change your Keyboard Inputdevice in /etc/X11/xorg.conf to include these (works in my current Xorg 7.1):
Option "XkbModel" "cymotionlinux"
Option "XkbVariant" "nodeadkeys"

Restart your X server.

3) Create a .Xmodmap file in your home dir and fill it with mappings from /usr/share/X11/XKeysymDB. Mine looks like this:
! Internet-Keys (Back, Forward, Stop, Reload, Search)
keycode 234 = XF86Back
keycode 233 = XF86Forward
keycode 232 = XF86Stop
keycode 231 = XF86Refresh
keycode 122 = XF86Search
! Multimedia-Keys (Play/Pause, Stop, Back, Forward, Eject)
keycode 162 = XF86AudioPlay
keycode 164 = XF86AudioStop
keycode 144 = XF86AudioPrev
keycode 153 = XF86AudioNext
keycode 204 = XF86Eject
! XPress-Keys left (Up, Down, Cut, Paste, Copy)
keycode 220 = XF86ScrollUp
keycode 143 = XF86ScrollDown
keycode 188 = XF86Cut
keycode 192 = XF86Paste
keycode 248 = XF86Copy
! XPress-Keys right (List 1, List 2, List 3, Redo, Undo)
!keycode 159 = XF86Launch0
!keycode 151 = XF86Launch1
!keycode 171 = XF86Launch2
!keycode 138 = XF86Launch3
!keycode 135 = XF86Launch4
! Premium-Keys (Calculator, Email, Browser, On/Off)
keycode 161 = XF86Calculator
keycode 236 = XF86Mail
keycode 130 = XF86HomePage
keycode 199 = XF86LogOff
! Main-Keys (-, +, Mute, Media-Player)
keycode 174 = XF86AudioLowerVolume
keycode 176 = XF86AudioRaiseVolume
keycode 160 = XF86AudioMute
keycode 129 = XF86AudioMedia
! @-Key
keycode 116 = XF86Terminal

Do a:
xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap

You can test your multimedia keys using xev.
If you want fluxbox to automatically load these binding each time you logon, put “xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap” somewhere (NOT in the end) inside your ~/.fluxbox/startup

4) Edit your ~/.fluxbox/keys and map the new keys to actions like that:
None XF86Launch1 :Workspace 1
None XF86Launch2 :Workspace 2
None XF86Launch3 :Workspace 3
None XF86AudioPrev :ExecCommand audacious--rew
None XF86AudioPlay :ExecCommand audacious --play-pause
None XF86AudioNext :ExecCommand audacious --fwd
None XF86AudioStop :ExecCommand audacious --stop
None XF86Eject :ExecCommand audacious -j
None XF86AudioLowerVolume :ExecCommand amixer sset PCM 2-
None XF86AudioMute :ExecCommand amixer sset "Audigy Analog/Digital Output Jack" toggle
None XF86AudioRaiseVolume :ExecCommand amixer sset PCM 2+
None XF86AudioMedia :ExecCommand gmplayer
None XF86Calculator :ExecCommand gcalctool
None XF86Mail :ExecCommand /usr/bin/thunderbird
None XF86HomePage :ExecCommand /usr/bin/firefox
None XF86Terminal :ExecCommand mrxvt --loginShell

Restart Fluxbox. You should now be able to start applications using your multimedia keys on top and on the bottom. If you are using Gnome or KDE you can do all this with their own programs. I think the proper program in KDE is called khotkeys.

5) In order to use the side keys for more advanced functions like copy,paste,unde,redo,etc do the following:
Create /usr/share/X11/xkb/compat/cymotion with what you like. Mine looks like:
// $XFree86$
// XFree86 special keysyms
default partial xkb_compatibility "basic" {
interpret.repeat= True;
// Ctrl+C for Copy
interpret XF86Copy {
action = Redirect(Key=<AB03>, modifiers=Control);
// Ctrl+V for Paste
interpret XF86Paste {
action = Redirect(Key=<AB04>, modifiers=Control);
// Ctrl+X for Cut
interpret XF86Cut {
action = Redirect(Key=<AB02>, modifiers=Control);
// Ctrl+Pos1 for ScrollUp
interpret XF86ScrollUp {
action = Redirect(Key=<HOME>, modifiers=Control);
// Ctrl+End for ScrollDown
interpret XF86ScrollDown {
action = Redirect(Key=<END>, modifiers=Control);
// Ctrl+Shift+Z for Redo
interpret Redo {
action = Redirect(Key=<AB01>, modifiers=Shift+Control);
// Ctrl+Z for Undo
interpret Undo {
action = Redirect(Key=<AB01>, modifiers=Control);
// Backspace for Back (Firefox)
interpret XF86Back {
action = Redirect(Key=<BKSP>);
// Shift+Backspace for Forward (Firefox)
interpret XF86Forward {
action = Redirect(Key=<BKSP>, modifiers=Shift);
// ESC for Stop (Firefox)
interpret XF86Stop {
action = Redirect(Key=<ESC>);
// Ctrl+R for Reload (Firefox)
interpret XF86Reload {
action = Redirect(Key=<AD04>, modifiers=Control);
// Ctrl+F for Search Page (Firefox and most other applications)
interpret XF86Search {
action = Redirect(Key=<AC04>, modifiers=Control);

6) Edit /usr/share/X11/xkb/compat/complete and add inside it:
augment "cymotion"

Restart X.

And you should be done.

The process is a bit complicated but the result is very rewarding. The Cut/Copy/Paste with just one click is amazing, especially for Greek users because when someone with another keyboard switches the keyboard language to greek, “ctrl+c” becomes “ctrl+ψ” (ctrl+greek_psi) and copy/paste does not work any more (ctrl+insert and shift+insert are not very efficient shortcuts) . You can easily program Cymotion Master Linux keyboard though to send the keystrokes you want (that was what I did in /usr/share/X11/xkb/compat/cymotion) because there are so many extra keys to use 🙂

Here comes the result of all these (click to maximize):


Zenwalk vs iloog on an ancient Compaq laptop

Testing Zenwalk version 4.2 on an ancient Compaq Presario 1260 Laptop (AMD K6@333 with 64Mb RAM).

0) Install CD Boots pretty fast
1) Autopartition does not work, or it did not work for me. I’ve tried it two times both giving me an empty partition table thus being unable to continue the installation.By the way, why does it need at least 1Gb of swap space ?
2) Why can’t netpkg use more than one mirror concurrently since they’ve got different packages ? I’ve tried to select 2 mirrors from the menu but I didn’t work. Am I doing something wrong ?
3) XFCE was not light enough for this ancient laptop. I tried disabling various stuff from the panels…but it was still very slow to work with. So I used netpkg (from the command line) to add Fluxbox. Fluxbox was a lot faster than XFCE but still applications were pretty slow to start.
4) There was no APM support on the kernel. No battery status for the laptop 🙁

Overall I think that zenwalk is an “ok” distro but it’s still pretty rough around the edges. It still need some slackware-ish hacks to behave like it should.

The good part about Zenwalk testing was that it made me “install” iloog on a hard disk for the first time, so I could compare the two. Zenwalk and iloog.

I booted the iloog livecd,
a) rsynced /(root) to /mnt/hda2,
b) mount /proc, /sys to /mnt/hda2 and chrooted to it,
c) changed /etc/fstab to suit the laptop’s hard disk (beware to remove some of the noexec, nosuid options),
d) created a /etc/lilo.conf from /etc/lilo.conf.example and ran “lilo”
e) disabled some init scripts needed by the livecd for autoconfiguration
f) rebooted

and … the result was very very good. Applications start in a lot less time than they start with zenwalk and are generally more responsive. Firefox, for example, is actually usable in iloog in contrast with zenwalk where there was no way to use it…it took around 1 minute just to start it! I didn’t expect to see such a difference because zenwalk is supposed to be a “light” distro specifically for old machines (ok, maybe not as old as mine :P)
The bad thing is that since iloog is based on gentoo, it is almost impossible to emerge new applications on that laptop while it is very easy to do so with zenwalk using netpkg. It may be possible to install new application on iloog with a) distcc but it requires another strong PC to act as the “compiler PC” , b) by getting binary packages from another user’s repo (that sounds more like science fiction) debianizing the gentoo/iloog.

If anyone has an ancient laptop, like the one I have, he/she might want to give iloog a shot. It may revive it…

P.S. All that may be a bit biased towards iloog since I am the one developing it. I still think though that iloog is more suited as a livecd for educational/scientific purposes than as an installable meta-meta-distro (since gentoo is already a meta-distro). Once you actually install it to your hard disk it’s not iloog any more…but gentoo.

P.S.2. The latest iloog beta is here: . If anyone tests iloog livecd please leave a comment.

ATI-8.32.5 blank screen fix

I’ve just upgraded my ATI drivers from 8.29.6 to 8.32.5, restarted my X and was greeted with a very beautiful blank/black screen. Playing a bit with my ModeLine in xorg.conf though I was able to make it work again.

I just needed to change:
Modeline "1280x1024_75.00" 138.54 1280 1368 1504 1728 1024 1025 1028 1069 -HSync +Vsync

Modeline "1280x1024_75.00" 138.54 1280 1368 1504 1728 1024 1025 1028 1069

This Modeline created by gft makes my monitor work at 75Hz instead of the 60Hz that ddc provides to xorg.

I don’t know why but it looks like the new drivers don’t like the polarity options that the previous drivers had no problem with…

Anyway, here’s the part of my xorg.conf referring to my Monitor and Graphics Driver that currently works:

Section "Monitor"
Identifier "Monitor0"
VendorName "LG"
ModelName "L1970H"
HorizSync 30.0 - 83.0
VertRefresh 56.0 - 75.0
# 1280x1024 @ 75.00 Hz (GTF) hsync: 80.17 kHz; pclk: 138.54 MHz
Modeline "1280x1024_75.00" 138.54 1280 1368 1504 1728 1024 1025 1028 1069
Option "DPMS"
Section "Device"
Identifier "ATI 9500 Pro"
Driver "fglrx"
Option "no_accel" "no"
Option "no_dri" "no"
# === misc DRI settings ===
Option "mtrr" "off" # disable DRI mtrr mapper, driver has its own code for mtrr
Option "DesktopSetup" "Single"
Option "HSync2" "unspecified"
Option "VRefresh2" "unspecified"
Option "ScreenOverlap" "0"
# === TV-out Management ===
Option "ForceMonitors" "tmds1,notv"
Option "TVStandard" "NTSC-M"
Option "TVHSizeAdj" "0"
Option "TVVSizeAdj" "0"
Option "TVHPosAdj" "0"
Option "TVVPosAdj" "0"
Option "TVHStartAdj" "0"
Option "TVColorAdj" "0"
Option "GammaCorrectionI" "0x06419064"
Option "GammaCorrectionII" "0x00b0000b"
# === OpenGL specific profiles/settings ===
Option "VideoOverlay" "on"
# === OpenGL Overlay ===
Option "OpenGLOverlay" "off"
# === Center Mode (Laptops only) ===
Option "CenterMode" "off"
# === Pseudo Color Visuals (8-bit visuals) ===
Option "PseudoColorVisuals" "off"
# === QBS Management ===
Option "Stereo" "off"
Option "StereoSyncEnable" "off"
# === FSAA Management ===
Option "UseFastTLS" "1"
Option "UseInternalAGPGART" "yes"
Option "FSAAEnable" "on"
Option "FSAAScale" "2"
BusID "PCI:1:0:0"

And the glxgears result:
17418 frames in 5.0 seconds = 3483.523 FPS
17341 frames in 5.0 seconds = 3468.088 FPS
17428 frames in 5.0 seconds = 3485.311 FPS
17548 frames in 5.0 seconds = 3509.505 FPS