howto use utorrent rss feeds with bitme and bitmetv
Latest utorrent has the ability to fetch rss feeds from torrent sites so you can download automatically (or automagically if you prefer :P) your favorite content without user interaction.
It’s kinda tricky though to enable it for bitme and bitmetv. As an example I will use the Desperate Houswives rss feed. If you go to bitmetv’s Links page and select RSS feed (Choose Category Feed) you will see a full listing of various categories. Pick Desperate Housewives and then “Download Link” from Feed Type and “Standard” from Login Type. It should give you a url like this:
In order to enter that feed inside utorrent’s rss parser you need to find out your UID and PASS from bitme or bitmetv cookies. You can learn how to do that for each browser here: utorrent faq on “Torrent_support_RSS_feeds”
Let’s say you got that UID and PASS. Now press ctrl+r inside utorrent and paste the following url REPLACING your own YOUR-PASSKEY, YOUR-UID, and YOUR-PASS variables!
If you were able to do that now go to Releases tab. Pick the one you would like to download from now on…let’s say “Desperate Housewives HR”, right click and “Add to Favorites”. Now you should be at Favorites tab. Leave the “Filter” as utorrent created it for you and just pick a download location (in “Save in”) for the new torrents. I have chosen the same location where my other torrents go.
If you only want specific episodes to download, just click on the proper checkbox in “Favorites” tab and enter something like “2×12”.If you want all episodes from a specific season just do it like this: “2×1-25”.
You can now go to bed and let the torrents come to your hard disk automatically. Happy downloading.
P.S. I have nothing to do with any of the sites mentioned. Whatever you do is at your own risk. You might get to jail for downloading copyrighted material…so you better use utorrent to download your favorite and latest linux ISOs 🙂
Filed by kargig at 22:00 under Internet
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